What's New by "Cajun" David Richard Who's late? First off, we must apologize for the tardiness of this newsletter. Originally, we were going to release the issue with ColorSwitch Pro so we could tell you all about its nifty features. However, things never really go as planned, do they? The release was pushed back because of some last minute issues, and thus the AT was pushed back, and so on. So, in a most feeble effort to make this issue more "on time," we have changed the month for this issue, and we will probably stick with this new naming convention from now on. This issue is now the March-April issue. So, we're still in the time frame. It's still April. Anyone buying this? Any complaints can be sent to the bird, hector@AmbrosiaSW.com, he's a good listener ;) ColorSwitch Pro Released   Matt Slot has shown us that he really knows how to program, and we thought he was just good at Bolo. ;) Matt has completed work on ColorSwitch Pro, and so far the response has been very good. We hope people find that ColorSwitch Pro is a handy shortcut to those areas on your Mac that you fiddle with most often. You will find more helpful hints later on in this issue. ColorSwitch Pro's most touted features include the ability to switch resolutions on your monitor in addition to the color depth and volume of your system. But, we didn't stop there. All of you programmers take note: ColorSwitch Pro also supports a plug-in architecture and will accept any module that you can think up. One example included in the package is an audio CD control module. This provides one-click access to all of your audio CD controls. So, all of you programmers out there should start thinking about handy modules that can be made for ColorSwitch Pro. Already we have suggestions for AppleTalk modules, Network Printer modules and more. One super-cool feature of CSP modules is that they are instantly loaded into the menu when you place them in the ColorSwitch Pro Modules folder (you'll find it in your System folder). So you can add or remove modules whenever you want and the changes are made immediately. No restarting necessary! Any modules created for ColorSwitch Pro will be housed on the ColorSwitch Pro Add Ons page at: http://www.ambrosiasw.com/Products/Add_Ons/Misc_AddOns.html. Interested parties should consult the Contribution Guidelines available from this page as well. So put those thinking caps on! Bubble Trouble Contest Heats Up!   It's under way! If you find yourself an excellent swimmer, and have found some way to elude those pesky Starfish, then you ought to be sending in your scores for the Bubble Trouble High Score Contest. All registered users are welcome to enter, and you can enter as many times as you wish. Hey, if you keep beating your best score, who are we to stop you ;) Also, in order to participate, you must have the latest version of Bubble Trouble, 1.0.1. If you don't have it, you can get an update from our Web site. For those of you who just can't wait (and for all of you folks that have been eMailing me for score updates - oh yes, there have been one or two ;), we have included a score update in this issue. This list will also be posted at: http://www.ambrosiasw.com/New/BTHSC.html. New Updates Snapz Pro and Eclipse both went through minor upgrades. We recommend upgrading if you are using these products. The upgrades took care of a few minor bugs and some polishing that was needed for both. The latest version of Snapz Pro is 1.0.1 and Eclipse's latest version is 3.0.2. The latest versions of both products can be grabbed from our Web site: http://www.ambrosiasw.com/Updates/. New Article Since we have recently discovered that Matt Slot can actually program (I'm really just busting his chops, folks. Don't send me hate mail, OK?), we asked him if he can share a little of the wealth of knowledge he possesses. Premiering in this issue is an article entitled Bitwise Operator. In this article, Matt will be talking about all types of things regarding programming. Many of you programmers-to-be out there will be very interested in what he has to say, especially this month. Matt digs out his address book and provides many different points on the 'net where you can get programming and system information. However, his article won't just be for budding programmers. Mac-hackers of all levels of ability will be interested in the information he has to offer. Check out Bitwise Operator, later on in this issue. New People Our resident botany expert, Jennifer, sprouted wings and has flown the coop (making Hector jealous as ever)! I guess she wants to be a pharmacist. She says she likes the fashion statement made by those white coats. Gottcha, Jen. Well, Jennifer was so efficient, we had to get two people to cover what she was doing. First, there's Aaron, who hopes for a career in the radio business. He produces a couple of talk radio shows here in Rochester for WXXI-AM. This isn't a full time job for Aaron, so he works here part time as well to help us with the incoming orders. Also spending some time here is Tom, a senior at Webster High School in Webster (that makes him a Webster Warrior ;). Tom is our intern, and also helps out with the orders. We also have Tom taking care of some other office duties. His main responsibility is to make sure the office has enough oatmeal cream cookie-sandwiches. We just love those things ;) Find out more about the Dynamic Duo in next month's Ambrosia Times. A New Product? Well, I am sworn to secrecy, and cannot speak about anything. So I cannot tell you that Ambrosia has even more products in store for you. We just might be working on several new projects that have yet to be announced, but I cannot say for sure. Of course, if we were working on a new project or two, we would make announcements in the next issue of The Ambrosia Times. From what I understand, that issue is not too far off ;)